Participate in our research studies! Your involvement can shape the future of technologies that support aging.
TAGlab studies that are currently recruiting participants will be listed below. Check back regularly for new listings.
Older Adults’ Anthropomorphized Perceptions of Conversational Agents
Researchers at TAGlab at the University of Toronto are studying the underlying patterns behind how seniors attribute human traits to smart speakers. This study will involve a 1-hour long Zoom videocall involving an interview on thoughts about smart speakers, trying out smart speakers (Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant) during the call, generating a visual avatar for the smart speakers, and a debriefing interview on the session. Participants will be compensated $20 CAD in the form of an email transfer or an electronic gift card from the following merchants: Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Apple, Microsoft, or President’s Choice
Recruiting until September 5, 2022.
For more information, send an email to:
Please include in the email the name of the study. If you would like to participate, please include your name, age, and the country you are currently located in.
Older Adults’ Alexa Usage
Researchers at TAGlab at the University of Toronto are studying seniors’ Alexa logs for usage patterns. We are looking for 60+ year old participants who are interested in sharing your Alexa history logs (as text transcripts) with the researchers for analysis (any sensitive logs can be excluded), and completing a questionnaire about your relationship with Alexa devices. This questionnaire will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Participants will be compensated $20 CAD in the form of an email transfer or an electronic gift card from the following merchants: Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Apple, Microsoft, or President’s Choice
Recruiting until September 30, 2022.
For more information, send an email to:
Please include in the email the name of the study. If you would like to participate, please include your name, age, and the country you are currently located in.